
We believe that great talent knows great talent, and that's why we're inviting you to be a part of our recruitment journey. By referring qualified candidates to join our team, you not only help us find the best talent but also earn rewarding incentives along the way.
Bonus Payments
  • Bonus Payments
The amount of bonus payments depends on the candidates salary.
Candidate’s Salary:
10000$ and above
Bonus: 2000$
Candidate’s Salary:
3000$ – 9999$
Bonus: 1000$
Candidate’s Salary:
up to 2999$
Bonus: 500$
Referral Process
  • Referral Process
Step 01
Submit a candidate or client referral using the forms below.
You will receive a response from us that we're reviewing your referral. (We're just making sure we're not already working with your referral and that they're in our database.)
Step 02
Step 03
We'll reach out to the referred candidate and guide them through our recruitment process.
With every successfully placed direct hire referral, you become eligible to earn a bonus once the candidate completes X days of employment.
Step 04
Referral Form
  • Referral Form
Your Contact Information
Your Referral’s Information
Gitmax Referral Guidelines
  • FAQ
Our referral program welcomes participation from both Gitmax employees and individuals external to the organization.