How to attract tech talents in 2023



It is no secret that technology development has been accelerating by leaps and bounds within the past few years and is hardly stopping. As a logical result, a broad range of new stacks are emerging here and there, from cloud to artificial intelligence (AI) to machine learning combined, not to mention the increasing complexity of IT systems yearly. However, the key asset to the tech industry (and basically, any business) stayed unchanging: and its people.
  • To keep up with the pace of the industry and the increasing scope of work, one question remains the same: where do I find those people and how can I keep them?
  • Today’s world is setting new rules to the hiring game, which we can call “Human to Human” attitude. Its core focus lies on the main puzzle in every business - personal well-being, which has a direct effect on productivity, therefore, business performance. We should also include work-life balance, open dialogue between the employer and employee and the ability of the businesses to be both inspiring and grateful to their workers.

Such shifts towards human personality in the business emerged by the world pandemic COVID-19, which took over the world in 2020 and had its impact on the IT world (I’d say especially IT): dozens of employees, willingly or not, began to pay more attention to the family, their place of living and their own mental health. Those people felt the taste of remote work and now hardly want to get back to the office routine. Furthermore, according to Work Institute report, more than one in three workers will voluntarily quit their jobs each year by 2023.

That implies the companies of all shapes and sizes should think twice about not only how to attract, but also how to keep them in the company.
  • Daily business processes still go on and grow, projects are becoming more ambitious and require additional workforce among the existing ones. As the game has altered, companies, in order to stay in the flow, willing to win from these changes in the long-run, started to wonder how to attract needed new workforce for the business needs.

    Needless to say, we all want this process of hiring to be the least time-consuming and the most cost-effective.
    IT world acts fast – you get the project, you get the budget for it, you find right people, you start working and earning money.
  • Basically, that’s how we at GitMax work with our clients – fast and effective recruitment in a short time for our clients to save money, effort, so our clients stay on the business track without getting super deep in the recruitment routine.
But that is our business, our routine, that’s why we can do it fast and moneywise. For other companies, where the core business is completely different, it may seem like a big pain in the ass, especially with the huge projects to come where you need 100 developers of different kinds to finish the project and your team has only ten.

At first, many companies try to solve this problem by their own forces (reasons vary from saving money to not trusting recruitment agencies which is absolutely fine when you are not familiar with the process).

So we’d gladly shed some light upon a few tips for the very first step in the process – attracting the talents you need.
Value more value at first
  • There is a common belief in the business world that the more people you have, the more efficient the business runs. However, we truly believe (and actually know it) that the first thing is to realize that one core element at first is better than five additional ones. A single expert or highly skilled developer works as efficiently as five or eight neophytes.

    When you start to work on the project, you want it to give a fast start, to put it on rails. That’s why at this point one skilled professional will solve this task at the first point. Be ready to look for such talent - sometimes it may feel like finding a needle in the haystack – and be ready to pay more for them.

    But they will be the first puzzle in your project picture, core puzzle that would start forming a big picture.
  • Curious fact – such a decision is more cost-effective in the long-run. Talents attract talents. Talents want to work together, grow, and set ambitious goals. Younger talents dream of working together with rockstar engineers and look up to them. That’s why here comes the second tip.
Top talents should be seen
  • A bit metaphorical, but the idea is easy – in order to attract young talents, after the big fish gets to your sea, make it visible.
What is implied is that mostly young rookies at first talk with HR representatives at the interview. Indeed, they are professional in their field; however, they still lack that profound technical knowledge that only techies have.

It has another side of the coin – young talents (we’re talking about true talents) may be overlooked by the HRs while an experienced developer after a small talk can get the picture of the perspectives of his skills. The summary is short: use your top dev talents in the recruiting process. To show their talent to the future candidates and sparkle their fire, as well as to seek deeper for young gems.

But let’s look even deeper - we all have that ideal picture of the perfect candidate for the future role with a specific set of hard skills, adding up great soft skills, nice personality, and cultural code, and so on and so forth. I agree that having such a picture in mind is good for business, however, it plays a tricky game: by depicting the candidate, employers often stick to such a picture and forget about one of their main features – flexibility.
Sometimes it’s faster to teach (almost always)
As the main feature of the tech industry is an incredible pace of changes in the technology development, once someone becomes a developer of any kind, this idea gets straight into his or her DNA (let’s at least hope for that) – life-long learning.

What’s extremely important for the tech businesses is to get the idea that sometime (to be honest, most of the times) it’s wiser in all aspects to hire a young talent who is a 60-70% match to your business and personal expectations, but who owns of the most valuable assets which pays-off in 90% – ability to learn and to adapt in the evolving environment.
But here comes another part to think of to the company – to hire such talents is one step, but to create a nurturing environment for the learning process to open up such talents is even more important to consider.
  • Our internal survey among GitMax devs showed that the majority of respondents value employee training even higher than IT certifications or company’s regalia.
That’s why companies should bear in mind the fact that they have to work on those 30-40% percent, as in any relationship.

The trick here is to be strategically persistent and patient and see a bigger picture in the long-run – by honing young talent’s hard skills and developing soft skills which are nurtured in the company, you basically create your own weapon of choice – tailor-made for your business, for the team, with a specific set of skills that are tailor-made for your company and its needs.

Of course, in order to keep that sparkle up, companies should think of various programs and activities, but that’s a topic for the next long-read.

What is also worth mentioning after all said above, is time. The speed of our tech industry is evolving every day, that’s why hiring has also changed its speed. Frankly speaking, people in tech have become pampered with the attention and the amount of various offers they can often get. That turned into impatience to the recruiting process from their side.
That’s why we suggest that once you find what you’re looking for (don’t forget to get through all the tips first) – don’t hesitate or wait. Act smart, but act fast.
Or you can always get to us at GitMax to find out more on the tips and the process of recruiting or augmentation, whether your business will benefit from cooperating with us (but something tells me if you’re reading this line, you’ve invested enough of your time and effort into this article so you have something to share with us.

Anyway, we, at GitMax, hope that you got a bit of a bigger picture of the process how to attract talented developers to your projects. As our experience shows, the best companies see the big idea and focus on providing the following to their people: time to learn, budgets for experiments and access to new technologies, adding up constant career path development which offers additional learning opportunities.

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