Work experience
Senior python developer
Senior python developer
Python / Django Engineer
Python Developer
MoneyPark AG
Betting Software
1 year 11 months (DEC 2021 - CURR)
1 year 10 months (feb 2020 - dec 2021)
2 years 4 months (oct 2017 - feb 2020)
2 year 7 months (MAR 2015 - oct 2017)
  • Worked to meet client deadlines.
  • Applied and remained current with existing and emerging technologies.
  • Helped to provide industry-leading solutions.
  • Worked on internal and external projects with great care.
  • Utilized the latest software development tools, techniques, and approaches
  • Python(Django), Celery, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS, K8S
  • Worked on the backend of various mobile applications.
  • Utilized the following technologies: Python(Django), Celery, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS, K8S
  • Developed a cloud-based microservices
  • Wrote unit tests for each feature
  • Developed and implemented software components
  • Maintained and improved system performance
  • Maintained communication with management (including PM, QA, Design, DevOps, Mobile developers, etc.)
  • Designed and maintained software database
  • Ownership, development, maintenance of quantitative tools and async services for real estate. Properties : matching, monitoring, alerting.
  • Integration of DevOps tools and scripts To the development process. Backend : Python 3, Django 1&2, Pytest, asyncio, Celery (RabbitMQ), PostgreSQL, Redis.
  • API : Django Rest Framework, FastAPI, Flask
  • Frontend : JavaScript/TypeScript (React, Angular)
  • Accomplishments : Migrated a whole application to microservices, using containers with docker in Kubernetes (Google Cloud Platform), significantly increase critical application performances using Celery, Redis & Elasticsearch.
  • IT Project Management tools : Redmine, Github.
  • The company is specialized in developing the software for gambling. 
My responsibility was to develop, maintain and deploy the backend for 
a white label online casino.
  • Technical stack: Python, Toranado, Postgresql, RabbitMQ, Docker, Docker-compose for deployment.
  • Started as a junior, I quickly dived into the project, fixed bugs and implemented new features as quickly as the mature colleagues did. 
I promoted the initiative to optimize the configuration for the docker container in our app and automized the build and deployment for our frontend application. I added several new payment systems and gambling services to the app.
University of Warsaw
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics

Momo Otness

Senior Python Developer