Work experience
QA Automation Lead
QA Automation Lead
Automation test engineer
QA Engineer
Junior manual QA engineer
US-based software company (NDA)
ThriveDX SaaS
1 year 11 months (DEC 2021 - CURR)
1 year 1 month (may 2018 - jun 2019)
3 years 2 months (AUG 2015 - oct 2018)
4 years 4 months (MAR 2011 - jul 2015)
1 year 9 months (jun 2009 - mar 2011)
QE Manager
  • Manage teams in several accounts to ensure a positive work environment translating the corporate goals into personal and professional growth.
  • Maintain staff by selecting, orienting, and training team members.
  • Coach existing team members on their own career paths.
  • Deal with performance issues and support problem resolution and decision-making.
  • Conduct performance evaluations.
  • Monitoring performance and initiating action to strengthen results.

Automation QA
  • Perform as an Automation QA for a well-known Telemedicine company in the US, helping them to improve their current systems and working to deliver a quality product to the market.
  • Improving the current QA Automation framework implementing BDD tests for a better understanding of the Agile Stakeholders on what has been automated as part of a quality process.
  • Implementation of Javadoc in the QA Automation frameworks to standardize the scripting process, and reduce the time the new QE members spend in an onboarding process.

QA Team Lead
  • Responsible for leading a medium size team to deliver a quality product and implement best QA practices.
  • Train team members to become All-rounded QAs able to perform Manual, Automation & Performance testing.
  • Develop dashboards to maintain informed the client on the product status and the performance of the team using BI metrics.
  • Analysis and creation of KPIs to evaluate the success of each team member based on their productivity.
  • Interview possible candidates to fill the opened positions required for certain projects within the company.
  • Led a QA team in collaboration with business analysts, developers and infrastructure specialists on a mission-critical card transaction processing application.
  • Responsible for technical and business requirements
  • Review and test management (Zephyr for JIRA test management tool).
  • Developed a domain specific test automation framework from scratch.
  • Was the only person responsible for the entire integration testing process. Focused on design, implementation, execution and automation of microservice integration tests (back-end).
  • Primary technical stack used in test automation: Java 11/Kotlin, JOOQ, Kafka-Clients, Docker, TestContainers, WireMock, MockServer, Spring, TestNG, RestAssured and other minor libraries/frameworks.
  • Responsible for design and implementation of unit tests for microservices using tools such as: JUnit, Spring Boot Test, Hibernate, Mockito, Mockk and others.
  • Performed design, execution and automation of acceptance and system tests using a similar tech stack as used for integration testing.
  • Advocated and implemented an automation.
  • Testing approach where a single microservice is tested in isolation in a docker-containerized Environment with the help of TestContainers library and custom YAML-based DSL. The approach had significantly improved overall quality of the product.
  • Designed and developed Jenkins CI/CD pipelines. Integrated automated test execution and report into the pipelines which improved test feedback and reduced time to production.
  • Developed a Kotlin library that integrated automation-tests'
  • Results with an external test management tool (Zephyr Scale for JIRA) making test execution results more clear, readable and integrated into workflow.
  • Developed a configurable stub service that contributed to the "shift left" approach allowing the team to emulate integration with a third party application and perform testing as early as possible. Stack used: Kotlin, Spring-boot, GRPC, Protobuf.
  • Single handedly developed a library-based implementation of the APTRA™ Advance NDC protocol (used for communication between a host and an ATM). Developed initially for testing purposes, the library was later noticed and adopted by the dev team as a core solution for the application.
  • Responsible for code review of other team members (test automation engineers and developers).
  • Regularly conducted interviews with QA engineers.
  • Used coordination and planning skills to achieve results according to schedule.
  • Worked in close collaboration with business analyst and dev teams to develop a high performance Microservice-based messaging platform that provided various APIs to our customers such as SMPP (SMS), SOAP,REST, GRPC.
  • Researched and gathered information on test Approaches suitable for the product.
  • Responsible for test management including test Design, automation tests development, manual and Automation test execution, acceptance testing.
  • Developed from scratch a comprehensive Test-automation framework for system testing Purposes (Java 8, RestAssured, TestNG, JSMPP, SSHJ, Docker.
  • Preparing test plans, test cases, check lists
  • Analysis of test results
  • Testing of REST servicesETL and server-side applications that are closely associated with Oracle DBSWING based desktop applicationUI using WebDriver
  • Communication with customer (demo, reveal and so on)
  • Supporting information systems and our products, contacting with customers (including our foreign partners).
  • Testing.
  • System analysis.
  • Working with data bases, taking part in global projects.
  • Developing application software to automate internal business processes, scrum stuff.
Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Matt Melton

QA Automation Lead